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Hire the best film studios in Bethnal Green for photo and video shoots.
Bethnal Green has some of the best film studios for you to find and book. From photography to video shoots, Bethnal Green's film studios are available for you to try out your new roll of film or make your next cinematic masterpiece. Find the perfect Bethnal Green film studio. Alternatively, tell us exactly what you need and we'll make sure the very best Bethnal Green film studios respond to your enquiry.
Match with venuesThe best film studios in Bethnal Green
Apiary Studios - By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept

Hoxton (1.2 km)

Qui Occaecati Numquam - When the Green Woods Laugh

Whitechapel (0.9 km)

Nostrum - Eyeless in Gaza

Hoxton (0.2 km)

Mowlem Studios - Tirra Lirra by the River

Hoxton (1.4 km)

Aut Delectus - The Stars' Tennis Balls

Hoxton (0.2 km)

IMT Gallery - Recalled to Life

Stepney Green (1.2 km)

Oxford House - Things Fall Apart

Whitechapel (0.7 km)

Oxford House - The Lathe of Heaven

Whitechapel (0.7 km)