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Want a meeting room that doesn't break the bank? Hire Embankment's cheap meeting rooms
Embankment's cheap meeting rooms are not cheap in the quality sense. Board rooms, meeting spaces and creative workshops busy the streets of Embankment and many of them can be booked without breaking the bank. From affordable hotel meeting rooms to cheap meeting venues in the heart of Embankment, these spaces will not disappoint.
Match with venuesThe best cheap meeting rooms in Embankment
Nine Savoy Street - The Way Through the Woods
Temple (0.3 km)
Huons House - A Catskill Eagle
Temple (0.2 km)
Somerset House - A Handful of Dust
Temple (0.2 km)
RSA House - The Yellow Meads of Asphodel
Embankment (0.2 km)
RSA House - The Soldier's Art
Embankment (0.2 km)
RSA House - Fair Stood the Wind for France
Embankment (0.2 km)
RSA House - Time To Murder And Create
Embankment (0.2 km)
Upbeat Studios - Blue Remembered Earth
Covent Garden (0.3 km)
Somerset House - Things Fall Apart
Temple (0.2 km)