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Holborn has some of the best restaurants for you to find and book. For a private dining experience to remember, check out the top restaurants in Holborn to enjoy. Find the perfect Holborn restaurant and enjoy a meal with family, friends, or colleagues. Alternatively, tell us exactly what you need and we'll make sure the very best Holborn restaurants respond to your enquiry.
Match with venuesThe best restaurants in Holborn
The Crypt - The Widening Gyre
Farringdon (0.3 km)
The Crypt - Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal
Farringdon (0.3 km)
Belgo Holborn - Fair Stood the Wind for France
Holborn (0.2 km)
Belgo Holborn - All the King's Men
Holborn (0.2 km)
Fleet River Bakery - The Cricket on the Hearth
Holborn (0.1 km)
Freemasons Hall - Mr Standfast
Holborn (0.2 km)
Ena Salon - When the Green Woods Laugh
Holborn (0.1 km)
The Royal College of Surgeons - Some Buried Caesar
Holborn (0.4 km)