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For a meeting to remember, check out the most unique meeting rooms Islington has to offer
Boring meeting rooms be gone! We've gathered some of the most unique meeting rooms in Islington for when you feel like having a productive meeting somewhere different. Alternatively, tell us exactly what you need and we'll make sure the very best Islington unique meeting rooms respond to your enquiry.
Match with venuesThe best unique meeting rooms in Islington
Cafe Boheme - An Instant In The Wind
Leicester Square (0.3 km)
Estorick Collection - The Stars' Tennis Balls
Highbury & Islington (0.4 km)
The Craft Beer Co - Tender Is the Night
Angel (0.4 km)
Rerum Autem - The Wings of the Dove
Barbican (0.4 km)
Shelter - A Confederacy of Dunces
Barbican (0.4 km)
Eum - Ah, Wilderness!
King's Cross St. Pancras (0.2 km)
The Dead Dolls House Islington - An Instant In The Wind
Highbury & Islington (0.4 km)
Hummus Bros Exmouth Market - Pale Kings and Princes
Farringdon (0.7 km)
The Royal College of Surgeons - The Daffodil Sky
Holborn (0.4 km)