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For a meeting to remember, check out the most unique meeting rooms Kensington has to offer
Boring meeting rooms be gone! We've gathered some of the most unique meeting rooms in Kensington for when you feel like having a productive meeting somewhere different. Alternatively, tell us exactly what you need and we'll make sure the very best Kensington unique meeting rooms respond to your enquiry.
Match with venuesThe best unique meeting rooms in Kensington
Baden-Powell House - The Widening Gyre
Gloucester Road (0.3 km)
Iris Studios - Unweaving the Rainbow
West Brompton (0.5 km)
Baden-Powell House - Mother Night
Gloucester Road (0.3 km)
Baden-Powell House - Butter In a Lordly Dish
Gloucester Road (0.3 km)
Baden-Powell House - The Cricket on the Hearth
Gloucester Road (0.3 km)
Iris Studio - O Pioneers!
West Brompton (0.4 km)
Iris Studio - A Swiftly Tilting Planet
West Brompton (0.4 km)
Iris Studios - Jesting Pilate
West Brompton (0.5 km)
Baden-Powell House - After Many a Summer Dies the Swan
Gloucester Road (0.3 km)