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For a meeting to remember, check out the most unique meeting rooms London has to offer
Boring meeting rooms be gone! We've gathered some of the most unique meeting rooms in London for when you feel like having a productive meeting somewhere different. Alternatively, tell us exactly what you need and we'll make sure the very best London unique meeting rooms respond to your enquiry.
Match with venuesThe best unique meeting rooms in London
110 Rochester Row - The Last Enemy
Victoria (0.5 km)
Qui Dolores Dolorum - Shall not Perish
Hoxton (0.4 km)
Kontiki Studios North - The Cricket on the Hearth
Hoxton (0.9 km)
Kingsway Hall Hotel - Endless Night
Holborn (0.2 km)
The Driver - The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things
King’s Cross (0.4 km)
Whitechapel Gallery - The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side
Aldgate East (0.1 km)
The Royal Horseguards - The Mermaids Singing
Embankment (0.2 km)
Book and Kitchen - Pale Kings and Princes
Westbourne Park (0.4 km)
The Driver - Ego Dominus Tuus
King’s Cross (0.4 km)