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Hire Shoreditch's top recording studios
*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* Yup, that's me. Life was pretty good back then: I had my very own Shoreditch recording studio, all booked via HeadBox. I could sing, screech and dance without upsetting the denizens of Shoreditch, safely held within my soundproofed recording studio. If you, like me, want a recording studio in Shoreditch go ahead and take a look at some of our amazing spaces below.
Match with venuesThe best recording studios in Shoreditch
White Rabbit Studios - Vile Bodies

Shoreditch High Street (0.4 km)

White Rabbit Studios - Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal

Shoreditch High Street (0.4 km)

Protein Studios - Ah, Wilderness!

Shoreditch High Street (0.2 km)

First Option Location Studio - Butter In a Lordly Dish

Hoxton (0.4 km)

Motel Studios - That Good Night

Hoxton (0.2 km)

The Spa Center - Dying of the Light

Old Street (0.3 km)

Shoreditch Studios - Antic Hay

Shoreditch High Street (0.3 km)

Studio Spaces E2 - A Handful of Dust

Hoxton (0.5 km)

Studio Spaces E2 - The Way Through the Woods

Hoxton (0.5 km)