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Tower Hamlets has some of the best restaurants for you to find and book. For a private dining experience to remember, check out the top restaurants in Tower Hamlets to enjoy. Find the perfect Tower Hamlets restaurant and enjoy a meal with family, friends, or colleagues. Alternatively, tell us exactly what you need and we'll make sure the very best Tower Hamlets restaurants respond to your enquiry.
Match with venuesThe best restaurants in Tower Hamlets
Close-Up - The Millstone
Shoreditch High Street (0.2 km)
Alfred Leroy - Tender Is the Night
Stratford International (1.0 km)
Non Sunt Saepe - The Moving Toyshop
Shoreditch High Street (0.3 km)
Alfred Leroy - The Skull Beneath the Skin
Stratford International (1.0 km)
Brew Shed - After Many a Summer Dies the Swan
Stratford International (1.0 km)
Manahatta Birmingham - 3rd Room
Hoxton (1.1 km)
Oxford House - Precious Bane
Whitechapel (0.7 km)
The Pipeline - It's a Battlefield
Aldgate (0.3 km)
All Star Lanes - Fame Is the Spur
Shoreditch High Street (0.3 km)