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For a meeting to remember, check out the most unique meeting rooms Tower Hamlets has to offer
Boring meeting rooms be gone! We've gathered some of the most unique meeting rooms in Tower Hamlets for when you feel like having a productive meeting somewhere different. Alternatively, tell us exactly what you need and we'll make sure the very best Tower Hamlets unique meeting rooms respond to your enquiry.
Match with venuesThe best unique meeting rooms in Tower Hamlets
Tower Bridge - Absalom, Absalom!
Tower Hill (0.5 km)
230 Bishopsgate - Fame Is the Spur
Liverpool Street (0.2 km)
Inventore Aut Maxime - The Moon by Night
Shoreditch High Street (0.2 km)
Oxford House - The Lathe of Heaven
Whitechapel (0.7 km)
230 Bishopsgate - The Violent Bear It Away
Liverpool Street (0.2 km)
Bricklane Bookshop - To Your Scattered Bodies Go
Shoreditch High Street (0.3 km)
Bricklane Bookshop - All Passion Spent
Shoreditch High Street (0.3 km)
Spitafields City Farm - What's Become of Waring
Whitechapel (0.4 km)
The Tower - In Dubious Battle
Tower Hill (0.4 km)