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Find the best penthouse party apartments in Covent Garden
Party like it's 1999...or any other time with these amazing penthouse party apartments in Covent Garden. Enjoy the penthouse views, and take in the city's atmosphere whilst making it a party to remember. We've curated the very best in Covent Garden penthouse party apartment venues so that you can make sure your event has that special, exclusive feel to it. The most memorable parties require a bit of planning – luckily that's where we come in. Tell us exactly what you're looking for and we'll make sure the best penthouse party apartments Covent Garden has to offer respond to your enquiry quickly. What are you waiting for?
Match with venuesThe best penthouse party apartments in Covent Garden
Bar Rumba - The Soldier's Art
Piccadilly Circus (0.1 km)
The Royal Horseguards - The Widening Gyre
Embankment (0.2 km)
The Double Decker - Nine Coaches Waiting
Leicester Square (0.1 km)
The Red Double Decker - This Side of Paradise
Leicester Square (0.1 km)
The Traditional - A Handful of Dust
Leicester Square (0.1 km)
Century Club - Number the Stars
Piccadilly Circus (0.2 km)
LIBRARY - Terrible Swift Sword
Leicester Square (0.2 km)
Tattershall Castle - The Stars' Tennis Balls
Temple (0.2 km)
Dub Jam - Eyeless in Gaza
Covent Garden (0.2 km)