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For a meeting to remember, check out the most unique meeting rooms Islington has to offer
Boring meeting rooms be gone! We've gathered some of the most unique meeting rooms in Islington for when you feel like having a productive meeting somewhere different. Alternatively, tell us exactly what you need and we'll make sure the very best Islington unique meeting rooms respond to your enquiry.
Match with venuesThe best unique meeting rooms in Islington
Vinyl Bar - Little Hands Clapping
Tottenham Court Road (0.2 km)
The Dead Dolls House Islington - Nectar in a Sieve
Highbury & Islington (0.4 km)
Shelter - Fear and Trembling
Barbican (0.4 km)
The Soho Hotel - A Glass of Blessings
Tottenham Court Road (0.4 km)
Getty Images - Such, Such Were the Joys
Oxford Circus (0.2 km)
Soho Revue - Consider the Lilies
Tottenham Court Road (0.2 km)
Islington Metal Works - What's Become of Waring
Angel (0.1 km)
London Art House - Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
Angel (0.7 km)
London Art House - An Acceptable Time
Angel (0.7 km)